Tag Archives: positivity


It is safe to say that change is inevitable. The world continues to evolve each day and although it is cliché to say, nothing is permanent in this world, except, maybe, those proven constant in Mathematics and Science.

We transition from the past to the present and to the future. The past is history and it is a permanent mark in each person’s life. It is a time forgone, some forgotten but cannot be taken out. The future is something we look forward to, it is an unrealized time. Today is a gift – it is called the present and what we do today can make or break us in the future.

The very lesson we learn is that things are doable, we can change ourselves and we adapt to changes. We resist changes because of fear or maybe because they are not what we expect or picture them to be. Trying a new approach on things, something that we are not used to, can be a source of stress and we often conclude will not bear the result we think it would bring. Continue reading Changes